With Love... From The Age Of Reason 2010

With Love... From The Age Of Reason


Release Date

Hong Kong

Original Title
L'âge De Raison

Hong Kong Title
With Love... From The Age Of Reason

Plot Synopsis

"Dear me. Today I am seven years old and I’m writing you this letter to help you remember the promises I made when I was 7, and also to remind you of what I want to become..."

Margaret, a successful business-woman, leads her high powered job with an iron hand. On her 40th birthday, a retired lawyer starts delivering her a series of packages containing letters written by a little girl: this little girl was Margaret. She wrote the letters when she was 7 years old, the age of reason. Although reluctant at first to read the letters and stir up these deeply buried memories, Margaret ends up getting hocked... and suddenly everything she was ever certain gets turned upside down.



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